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Content Writing | Type and Ways of Learning

Content Writing

Content Writing | Type and Ways of Learning

What is Content Writing?

Content Writing is the process of writing letters, products, essays, scripts, how-to guides, press releases, blogs, newspapers, and emails. 

Content Writing can be classified into different forms, but as we are on the digital edge, we’ll focus on curating our article around digital means of writing. 

There are many jobs and vacancies for content writers in Nepal, but are they all legal and actual job opportunities one should grab in 2024? We’ll dive into them after a while. For someone who wants to start out their career in digital marketing, content writing can be a great kickstart.

To become a content writer in 2024. I’ll share my summarized points from my experience of being a content marketer and SEO Team Lead. 

Is Learning Content Writing a Benefit in 2024?

Yes, learning content writing skills benefits as it offers many opportunities, from brand content writing to blog writing. Every business is seeking a content writer who can strengthen its brand through email marketing, social media, website, and various digital channels to reach its audiences. 

Businesses are growing their social media through content, whether visual or written. Extensive research on content writers is done for all of this work, from script writing for visual content to blog writing. 

Types of Content Writing

Web Content Writing:

The content that is written to publish on a website is known as web content writing. This content is long-form, informative, and engaging, covering personal experiences, industry insights, how-to guides, and many more. In terms of skills, this required some level of understanding of how a search engine works. 

content writing checkist

This content needs to be SEO-friendly and should also fulfill the keyword intent behind the article. Web content should contain some keywords, phrases, and synonyms to be used, some secondary keywords and optimized for meta titles and descriptions, 

Among all of the writings, web content has more opportunities than others as the SEO Industry is booming in Nepal after the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Social Media Content Writing:

Short-form content design for publishing on social platforms is known as Social Media content writing. Some popular social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These are sweet, short tweets, captions, and content with images and videos attached to them. This requires more creativity and should align with the company’s brand tone. 

social content writing

This is also another booming market, as many digital marketing companies are hiring social media content writers. Those who know how to play with brand tone and customer emotion are nailing the market down. 

Ad, Email, and Sales Copy:

This content is created for email, social media ads, google ads, and many other campaigns. Their main goal is to engage the targeted audience to generate leads, promote the product or services, and provide them with valuable information. 

These include newsletters, promotional emails, welcome mail, Facebook and Good ads, and so on. They are also called copywriters. 

Technical Writing:

A writer who writes the complete information in a clear and concise manner in technical terms is known as technical writing. This sort of content includes manuals, technical guides, documentation, instructions material, and so on. 

Starting with technical writing can be a secondary option, as this can be a difficult starting point for content writers. 

How to Become a Successful Content Writer?

To become a successful content writer can take a very long time. Many companies in Nepal that run digital campaigns to teach students portray content writing as quick money, part-time work, and easy-to-learn skills; actually, it’s not true. I have conducted 100+ interviews and have concluded that it’s not true.

Becoming a successful content writer requires extensive research, hard work, and patience, which many people don’t pursue due to their false expectations of quick money and part-time jobs. 

If you can dedicate your energy and time to start your career as a content writer in 2024. Your job won’t be taken away by AI because you are a creative writer, not someone who just copies, pastes, and rephrases content.

Proper Content Research

Proper content research is necessary. You have to figure out the intent behind the article, promotion campaigns, and social media posts and the ROI (Return on Investment) of the posts. Will it be informative content, commercial, or transactional? It might also strengthen the brand voice.

If informational content, what is the chance of the user being actually converted from there? Will this content help in SEO or help in strengthening the social profile of the business? Being in the digital marketing field, you should figure this out by doing proper research.

Create a Content Outline

After researching the content, the next step was creating an outline. For web content writing purposes, outline the content structure from Heading 1 to Heading 6. Heading 1 is the broader heading while Heading 6 is the narrow heading inside of H2, H3, H4, and so on. 

For Email Marketing Campaigns, there is also a structure from the top of the funnel to the button of the funnel for maximizing the conversion through this. Every type of content we talk about has its own set of rules that have to be mastered.

Align With Content and User Intent

After an outline of content is ready, we have to re-check whether it satisfies the user intent or not. If not, we have to re-analyze the competitor and make one. Moving forward, while crafting the content, we have to think about this aspect:

  1. User Internet for this Content
  2. How Can Business Benefits for this Content

Let’s take an example of Search Engine Optimization

If the user is searching for “Content Writing”, his intention is to find information and wants to learn more about this subject. We cannot promote our course on the entire article as users don’t want that. If the user is searching for a “Content Writing Course,” he intends to know more about the course, and we can provide him with course-related solutions. 

Every type of intent needs different content. Except for search engines, this set of rules applies to all writing. We should figure out the intent and ways to set a brand impression through the content.

Actionable Insight and Conclude

This is a conclusion section, also known as the final note. We also have a conclusion section in this article. This section explains the summarized information about the content or actionable Call to action button from where the user can navigate to another page of the funnel. 

Some Content Writing Tools

There are numerous content writing tools that can help you become a better content marketer or a good content writer. The writing process requires many processes, as we discussed above, and now we are going to talk about the tools that make the task easy.

This portion is more focused on SEO Content Writing rather than other means of writing

Keyword Research

The keyword search can be done through various tools, such as

  • Semrush
  • Keyword Everywhere
  • SE Ranking
  • Ahref
  • Keyword Tool .io
  • Google Ads Planner

Some are paid, and some are free if you lack access to paid tools. I suggest you do a competitor analysis of the blog posts and product pages, which can give you insight to a certain level. This is what I have done in my career in the starting phases.

Grammatical Error

Speaking a native language is a problem when crafting English content. There might be slight grammatical, vocabulary, punctuation, and conjunction word errors, among other problems. 

We all know some of the tools from my experience. I’ll suggest the above tools to make your content free from grammatical errors.

  • Grammarly
  • Hemingway Editor
  • INK

Plagiarism and AI Detector

Plagiarism and AI have always been challenges if you’re starting in 2024. Due to access to the LLM Model publically, everyone who wants to start is looking for quick success and uses the GPT-generated content. 

For Plagiarism and AI Content Detectors, use the following tools:

  • (For finding the fluff content)
  • Content Scale. ai (For AI Detection)

If you are thinking of that, you’ll copy-paste the GPT, Bard, and Cohere tools for generating the content. Check through these processes to bypass the detection. Search engines might not be fully capable of detecting AI content, but they are almost there; they trace low content, vocabulary patterns, and many other factors to flag this content. 

Short Answer: I won’t suggest anyone for copy paste content.


Creating high-quality content requires lots of effort. This isn’t an easy job, but it can be a great start to your digital marketing journey. Create content for the next two years, and you won’t regret it. But be legit, and don’t fall into the trap of easy and quick success. In 2024, Yes, I would highly recommend anyone to pursue a content marketing journey.

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